We’re all about community based development.
About us.
We believe in changing lives together.
40+ years dedicated to preparing you for success.
We have been providing quality education and training to students for over 40 years with thousands of graduates currently working in the medical field.
We are located in the heart of Los Angeles.
3699 Wilshire Blvd,
Fourth Floor
Los Angeles, California 90010
Our mission is to provide educational opportunities, leading to careers or career advancement, in an open and supportive environment that encourages a lifelong quest for knowledge.
Explore our history.
We were founded as CBD College.
We were founded as CBD College.
CBD College received Course Approval from the State of California
CBD College received Course Approval from the State of California
We were incorporated as a non-profit public benefit organization.
We were incorporated as a non-profit public benefit organization.
We received National Accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET)
We received National Accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET)
CBD Collegehas been providing quality education and training to students for over40 yearswith thousands of graduates currently working in the medical field. CBD is nationally accredited by theAccrediting Bureau of Health and Education Schools (ABHES)and aNon-Profit Healthcare Career College located in the heart of Los Angeles.
We believe that our instructional methods, the pleasant learning environment, and expertise of our staff, are second-to-none in our field. We also firmly believe that every student can and will achieve.
Through the understanding of today’s ever changing Medical Industry and career opportunities, CBD College has continued to introduce only the most in demand and opportunisticprogramsleading its students to stable and successful careers.
ճMissionof CBD College is to provide educational opportunities, leading to careers or career advancement, in an open and supportive environment that encourages a lifelong quest for knowledge.
ճInstitutional Goalsare to provide quality educational programs that can be completed in a relatively short time period and provide students the tools necessary for immediate and productive employment.
CBD Collegewas established in 1982.
Since its foundation in 1982, CBD College has grown to become one of Los Angeles’ best Non Profit resources for Healthcare Career training and career advising for students of all nationalities, interests and means.
As the College became more structured, professional staff grew, and in 1994 CBD College received Course Approval from the State of California. In 1996, the College was incorporated as a non-profit public benefit organization.
In order to validate the professional competence of our program and to help assure the effectiveness of its courses, CBD College sought and received National Accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET) in 1997. CBD College was successfully reaccredited several times, most recently in 2010.
CBD College received ABHES programmatic accreditation for it’sSurgical Technologyprogram in August of 2010 and was recognized by ABHES with an Outstanding Achievement Award for receiving zero standard violations during on-site accrediting visits. During the same year, CBD College began offering it’sPharmacy Technicianprogram.
In December of 2012, CBD College campus moved from its 5724 W. 3rd street location to a new, modern and state of the art campus located at 3699 Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles. Featuring new classrooms, labs, mock surgery rooms and room for growth, CBD College addedDiagnostic Medical Sonographyto its list of high demand programs in 2013 and most recently,Medical Assistant,Physical Therapist Assistant,Occupational Therapy Assistant,Magnetic Resonance Imaging,Online Health Information TechnologyԻOnline Bachelors of Health Science.
In 2013, CBD College was recognized by the National Board of Surgical Technologists (NBST) and received a Merit Award for graduate passing rates of 90% or higher on the Certified Surgical Technologist examination.
In 2015, CBD College was granted institutional accreditationby the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools ().
In 2019, CBD College was granted institutional continued accreditation by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools ()
CBD Collegeis located in the heart of Los Angeles at:
3699 Wilshire Blvd, Fourth Floor, Los Angeles, California 90010.
Having moved to its current location in 2012, the campus features state of the art equipment, classrooms, computer labs, laboratories and resources. We understand the importance of having real-world experience which is why we have gone great lengths to ensure that when you graduate, you will able to approach your first day on the job with confidence.
To provide quality training and enhance classroom learning, the College maintains industry-related technology, including industry standard equipped medical and computer labs. Students receive hands-on experiences and training in our programs. The laboratories contain workstations simulating real work environments, which students will encounter in the professional setting. Students have access to a current job search lab/resource library to supplement their learning experience.
CARES Act (“HEERF I”) – Emergency Grants to Students
CARES Act Funding Report – 30 Days (published June 7, 2020)
CARES Act Funding Report – 45 Days (published July 22, 2020)
CARES Act Funding Report – Quarter Ending September 30, 2020 (published October 10, 2020)
CARES Act Funding Report – Quarter Ending September 30, 2020 (published January 10, 2021) CORRECTED
CARES Act Funding Report – Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 (published January 10, 2021) FINAL
CARES Act (“HEERF I”) – Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting Institutional Portion
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report- Quarter Ending September 30, 2020 (published October 30, 2020)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report- Quarter Ending September 30, 2020 CORRECTED FINAL
CRRSAA and ARP (“HEERF II and HEERF III”) – Emergency Grants to Students
CRRSAA and ARP Funding Report – 30 Days (published June 12, 2021)
CRRSAA and ARP Funding Report-Quarter Ending March 31, 2021 (published July 10, 2021)
CRRSAA and ARP Funding Report-Quarter Ending June 30, 2021 (published July 10, 2021)
CRRSAA and ARP Funding Report-Quarter Ending September 30, 2021 (published October 10, 2021)
CRRSAA and ARP Funding Report-Quarter Ending December 31, 2021 (published January 10, 2022)
CRRSAA and ARP Funding Report-Quarter Ending March 31, 2022 (published April 8, 2022)
CRRSAA and ARP (“HEERF II and HEERF III”) – Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting Institutional Portion
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report- Quarter Ending March 31, 2021 (published July 10, 2021)(03250300_HEERF_Q12021_071021)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report-Quarter Ending June 30, 2021 (published July 10, 2021)(03250300_HEERF_Q22021_071021)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report-Quarter Ending September 30, 2021 (published October 10, 2021) (03250300_HEERF_Q32021_101021)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report-Quarter Ending December 31, 2021 (published January 10, 2022) (03250300_Q42021_11122)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report-Quarter Ending March 31, 2022 (published April 08, 2022) (03250300_Q12022_040822)
HEERF Student and Institutional Quarterly Reporting (new format)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report for All HEERF Funds-Quarter Ending June 30, 2022 (03250300_HEERF_Q22022_070822)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report for All HEERF Funds-Quarter Ending September 30, 2022 (03250300_HEERF_Q32022_101022)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report for All HEERF Funds-Quarter Ending December 31, 2022 (03250300_HEERF_Q42022_011023)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report for All HEERF Funds-Quarter Ending March 31, 2023(03250300_HEERF_Q12023_040623)
Quarter Budget and Expenditure Report for All HEERF Funds-Quarter Ending June 30, 2023_FINAL(03250300_HEERF_Q22023_070723_FINAL)
State Authorization of Distance Education Outside of California
The US Department of Education requires that any institution offering distance education programs to students who reside or are located outside of its home state must acquire authorization from the states in which students reside or are located. Regulations vary from state to state, as such, federal, state, and institutional policies may limit or prohibit CBD College’s authorization for delivery of online education to students in certain states.
While the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity (NC-SARA), established a voluntary state-level reciprocity process for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education programs, the state of California does not participate in the agreement and California-based institutions such as CBD College are not eligible to take advantage of the reciprocity agreement if they offer distance education in other states. Therefore, CBD College must seek and document a status with the states in which the institution enrolls distance education students.
CBD College does not enroll students from states where the institution is not licensed or authorized, exempt, operating under a waiver, or otherwise able to enroll students because the state’s laws do not pertain to the institution or to the College’s activities in that state.
Consumer Complaints
If you are a distance education student who wishes to file a complaint about CBD College, please review the institution’s Grievance Procedures to submit your complaint. If you are unable to resolve your complaint through the steps outlined in the institutional Grievance Procedures, a formal written complaint may also be filed with any of the regulatory bodies listed in the Grievance Procedures (institutional and programmatic accrediting agencies, the school’s state licensing agency and the Department of Education) or with the respective agency regulating postsecondary institutions in the state where you are located and/or reside.
CBD College is also required to provide a description of the process for submitting consumer complaints in each state from which the institution enrolls students. The complaint process for those states in which CBD College is authorized, exempt or otherwise approved to offer distance education programs and enrolls students is detailed in the section below.
Impact of Change in Location and/or Residence
Students must contact the school to discuss any change in their location prior to relocation. Should a student relocate to a state in which CBD College is not authorized to provide distance education, continued enrollment cannot be guaranteed. This may also impact a student’s Title IV financial aid eligibility, loan repayment or deferment and/or veteran’s benefits. Students should consult with the Financial Aid Office to determine the impact of a change in location and/or residence. (See also Student Location Policy in Distance Education section).
CBD College is physically located in the state of California, where it is also authorized to deliver distance education. In other states, CBD College is able to offer distance education because it has been granted authorizations/approvals, exemptions, and waivers, or because the state’s laws do not pertain to the institution or to the College’s activities in that state. The complete listing of states where CBD College offers distance education is articulated in the school’s catalog and website. Hereby you are informed that if you relocate to a state in which the institution does not have an authorization/approval to operate prior to program completion, that this may adversely impact your ability to complete the program or gain in-field employment.
Authorization Information
The list below summarizes CBD College’s status in those states in which the institution currently offers distance education programs to that state’s residents and the complaint process for those states.
Each state below lists the distance education program offered:
- Bachelor of Science in Health Science (BSHS), or
- Associate of Science in Health Information Technology (HIT AS).
Alaska (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College has been determined by the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education to meet the criteria for exemption from the authorization provisions because the programs are online or distance delivered and CBD College does not have a physical presence in the state.
PO Box 110505
Juneau, AK 99811-0505
Arkansas (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College has been granted certification of the following degree programs by distance technology for our BSHS degree and HIT AS degree.
Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board certification does not constitute an endorsement of any institution, course or degree program. Such certification merely indicates that certain minimum standards have been met under the rules and regulations of institutional certification as defined in Arkansas Code §6-61-301.
The student should be aware that these degree programs may not transfer. The transfer of course/degree credit is determined by the receiving institution.
Arkansas State Board of Private Career Education
423 Main Street, Suite 400
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 371-2000
Arizona (BSHS, HIT AS)
The Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education does not require licensure of distance education programs if there will be no physical presence in Arizona. The Board defines physical presence as the use of any Arizona address, Arizona phone numbers, contact information of anyone listing an Arizona address or program offerings in Arizona. CBD College does not have a physical presence in Arizona and is therefore not required to be licensed. In accordance with state law, the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education is responsible for investigating student complaints against educational institutions licensed by the agency. Because CBD College is not currently required to be licensed by the board please direct any complaints to the Students can also file a complaint with the applicable state regulator of postsecondary education where the institution is located (BPPE) as well as the institution’s accrediting body.
Keith Blanchard-Investigator
1740 W. Adams, Suite 3008
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 542-5709
Colorado (BSHS, HIT AS)
The Colorado Department of Higher Education policy permits out-of-state institutions to enroll Colorado residents into its online courses and programs without requiring authorization so long as there is not physical presence. CBD College’s activities in Colorado do not trigger a physical presence; therefore, CBD College not required to be authorized in Colorado. The agency advises that the complaint process is only for authorized institutions under the state’s degree authorization act. Students can file a complaint with the applicable state regulator of postsecondary education where the institution is located (BPPE) as well as the institution’s accrediting body.
Heather DeLange-Director, Office of Private Postsecondary Education
1600 Broadway, Suite 2200
Denver, CO 80202
URL: https://cdhe.colorado.gov/filing-student-complaint
CBD College is approved by the State of Connecticut Officer of Higher Education to offer distance education programs to Connecticut students. A student who is a resident of Connecticut and who wishes to make a complaint about the institution should contact the state agency using the information listed below.
Emily Bjornberg
Senior Consultant
Academic Affairs
Connecticut Office of Higher Education
450 Columbus Blvd, Suite 707
Hartford, CT 06103
New Student Complaint:
Florida (BSHS, HIT AS)
After review from the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education, it has been determined that the distance education programs offered and educational activities of the College in the state do not require licensure at this time as they do not meet the definition of “operating in the state” as set by state statue. If a postsecondary institution is not licensed by the Commission, the agency directs students to file a complaint with the applicable state regulator of postsecondary education where the institution is located (BPPE) as well as to the institution&/about-us/8217;s accrediting agency.
Contact Name: Michael Santoro
Title: Program Specialist Supervisor
Agency: Commission for Independent Education
Address: 325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399
Email: Michael.santoro@fldoe.org
Phone: 850-245-3200
Georgia (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College is authorized to offer the BSHS and HIT AS programs in Georgia, and is registered with the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission as an out-of-state distance education provider. A student who is a resident of Georgia and who wishes to make a complaint about the institution should contact the state agency using the information listed below.
Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
2082 East Exchange Place
Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: (770) 414-3300, Fax: (770) 414-3309
Hawaii (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College’s activities in Hawaii do not trigger a physical presence; therefore the institution is not required to be authorized by the Hawaii Postsecondary Education Authorization Program (HPEAP). For institutions not authorized by HPEAP, the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) will take in complaints. OCP is a different agency from HPEAP. OCP takes in complaints about unfair and deceptive acts or practices. Students can also file a complaint with the applicable state regulator of postsecondary education where the institution is located (BPPE) as well as the institution’s accrediting body.
Office of Consumer Protection
Email ocp@dcca.hawaii.gov
Email: ocp@dcc.hawaii.gov
Illinois (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College has been granted continuous exemption from the Illinois Board of Higher Education because CBD College meets the definition of an Institution with Limited Physical Presence in Illinois as defined under state law. Complaints outside the oversight of the agency are referred to other appropriate agencies such as the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. Students can also file a complaint with the applicable state regulator of postsecondary education where the institution is located (BPPE) as well as the institution’s accrediting body.
1 North Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1377
Phone: (217) 782-2551, Fax: (217) 782-8548
Kentucky (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College has been granted a non-resident school license by the Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education (KCPE). As an authorized postsecondary institution, CBD College offers the HIT AS program via distance education to Kentucky residents. CBD College does not require licensure with the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education for our BSHS program since it is delivered fully online, and CBD College does not engage in any operating or soliciting activities in the state of Kentucky.
500 Mero Street, 4th Floor
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Phone: (502) 564-4185
100 Airport Road, Third Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: (502) 573-1555, Fax: (502) 573-1535
CBD College is in the process of applying for registration with the Maryland Higher Education Commission to provide distance education to Maryland students.
CBD College is subject to investigation of complaints by the Office of the Attorney General or the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
A student who is a resident of Maryland and who wishes to make a complaint about the institution should contact the state agency using the information listed below.
Maryland Higher Education Commission
6 North Liberty Street, 10th Floor,
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-3300
Mississippi (BSHS, HIT AS)
Currently, out-of-state academic degree-granting institutions offering programs exclusively online do not require MCCA authorization unless they engage in activities in the state that trigger presence. CBD College does not engage in activities that trigger a physical presence in the state of Mississippi. To file a complaint please fill out and submit a Student Complaint Form available on the agency’s website.
3825 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211
Phone: (601) 432-6372
Nevada (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College is licensed by the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education under an experiential courses license. This license also allows the institution to deliver distance education to NV residents. Students enrolled in a licensed private postsecondary institution have the right to register a complaint with the Commission on Postsecondary Education. To file a complaint please fill out and submit a Student Complaint Form available on the agency’s website.
2800 E. St. Louis Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Ohio (BSHS)
The staff at the Ohio Department of Higher Education has advised CBD College that distance education programs that can be completed 100% online do not require authorization. The agency’s complaint process does not extend to institutions not authorized by the agency that may enroll residents of the state (such as explicitly distance education programs with no physical presence or exempt institutions). Students can file a complaint with the applicable state regulator of postsecondary education where the institution is located (BPPE) as well as the institution’s accrediting body.
25 South Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: (614) 466-6000, Fax: (614) 466-5866
Pennsylvania (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College is registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education as an out-of-state distance education provider to enroll residents of Pennsylvania in certain distance education programs. A student who is a resident of Pennsylvania and who wishes to make a complaint about the institution should contact the state agency using the information listed below or should visit the state agency’s website located here:
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 12th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Phone: (717) 783-8228, Fax: (717) 722-3622
South Carolina (BSHS, HIT)
The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education does not require licensing of institutions that enroll residents of South Carolina into online or distance education programs unless the institution operates or solicits in South Carolina in such a way that creates a physical presence. CBD College does not engage in activities that trigger a physical presence in the state of South Carolina. To file a complaint please fill out and submit a Student Complaint Form available on the agency’s website.
Academic Affairs
Attn: Student Complaint
1122 Lady Street, Suite 400
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 737-2260
Texas (BSHS, HIT AS)
CBD College is not regulated in Texas under Chapter 132 of the Texas Education Code; therefore, a license or exemption from the Texas Workforce Commission is not required.
CBD College received a certificate of authorization from THECB to conduct clinical, internship, or field-based educator training experiences at designated training facilities in Texas.
(800) 628-5115
PO Box 12788
Austin, TX 78711-2788
Phone: 512-427-6101, Fax 512-427-6127
Contact Name: Kammi Contreras
Title: Student Complaints Staff
Agency: THECB – Office of General Counsel Address: PO Box 12788, Austin, TX 78711
Email: Kammi.Contreras@highered.texas.gov or studentcomplaints@highered.texas.gov
Phone: 512.427.6438
Washington (BSHS)
The Washington Student Achievement Council has determined that CBD College does not require authorization for the institution’s Bachelor in Science in Health Science distance education program and that the College’s activities in the state do not trigger physical presence. Starting in Fall 2020, the complaint process will extend to out-of-state, 100% online, non-SARA participant institutions who do not require authorization but enroll WA residents.
917 Lakeridge Way SW
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 753-7800
Contact Name: Tivoli Sharp
Title: Program Associate, Consumer Protection Agency: Washington Student Achievement Council Address: P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430 Email: tivolis@wsac.wa.gov
Phone: 360-485-1080
CBD Collegeunderstands that ourstudents success cannot be accomplished without a dedicated faculty and support team.
We are looking for employees thatshare our same vision, passion, and philosophy of education and career advancement.
CBD College is an equal opportunity employer thatprides itself on theopenness and desire to help students achieve greatness.
Please submit resume or curriculum vitae and all inquiries to:hr@cbd.edu
Why work at CBD?
- Become part of an organization thattruly cares about changing people’s lives
- Non-Profit Organization with over 40 years of experience serving the community
- Competitive Salaries
- Employee Benefits
- Room for Growth
- In Demand Programs
BPPE Approval to Operate Disclosure Statement
CBD College is a private non-profit public benefit institution incorporated under section 501c § (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The College is a private institution approved to operate by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. Approval to operate means the institution is compliant with the minimum standards contained in the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (as amended) and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
Institutional Accreditation
CBD College isinstitutionally accredited by and accepts the responsibility to maintain the principles of quality continuing education and the integrity of the following accrediting institution:
Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 730
North Bethesda, MD 20852
Tel (301) 291-7550
CBD College is approved by theCalifornia State Approving Agency for Veterans Education (CSAAVE)to accept veteran’s benefits to train Veterans & eligible persons.
CBD College is approved by theRegional Training Vendor for the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB)to accept and administer Workforce Investment Act (WIA) benefits.
Programmatic Accreditations
The Associate of Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs () upon the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS).
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
25400 US Highway 19 N., Suite 158,
Clearwater, FL 33763
Tel (727) 210-2350 Fax (727) 210-2354
The Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy Assistant program is accredited by:
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE)
4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel (301) 652-6611 Fax (301) 652-7711
The Associate of Applied Science in Physical Therapist Assistant program is accredited by:
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100
Alexandria, VA 22305-3085
Tel (703) 684-2782 Fax (703) 684-7343
International Students
This school is authorized under Federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students.
CBD College is recognized as a volunteer group for student’s community involvement by the following organizations:
- American Red Cross
- Los Angeles Children’s Hospital
- Be the Match (Bone Marrow Registry)
- Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
- Alexandria House (a transitional residence for single women and women with children)
Title IX Non-discrimination Policy and Notice of Nondiscrimination
CBD College does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admission and employment.
CBD College’s Title IX nondiscrimination statement is available on the College’s website, in the catalog, and in the employee handbook. The Title IX policy and grievance procedures are available on the College’s website below.
Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both. Contact information for OCR is available here: .
Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Policy and Resolution Procedures
To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please refer to the Title IX Coordinator:
Gabriela Bray, M.P.P.
Chief Compliance Officer
3699 Wilshire Blvd., Fourth Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 427-2200
Email: TitleIX@cbd.edu
Training Materials Used to Train Title IX Personnel
Training materials are available upon request. All requests for Title IX training materials should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.
Effective Date
The Title IX policy and procedure published went into effect on August 1, 2024. For reports of conduct alleged to be in violation of Title IX that includes events that occurred prior to August 1, 2024, CBD College may be required to use the policy and process that was in effect prior to August 1, 2024. A copy of the policy and procedure in effect prior to August 1, 2024 is available upon request from the Title IX Coordinator.
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We strive for excellence.
We focus on teaching real world skills and knowledge, so that you are prepared for a successful career right away.